Home » coach » Glow and Sparkle this New Year

I have set my intentions for 2019. The word, “Shine” captures my intentions for the upcoming year. I’m hoping to stoke the fires of my inner light to keep it bright enough that it can fire my soul and inspire others as well.


With the inner light ready to shine, I thought about how I might shine. I can GLOW. Emit a steady and solid presence of positive energy that is enough to warm my heart and be noticeable to others. A glow feels like a steady presence of warmth and encouragement. A regular level of being a source of inspirations to myself and to others.

Glow comes from loving ourselves. Keeping our batteries charged is self care. When we have enough love within ourselves to glow, we can inspire others, as well as attract others who value our energy. But the starting point is how we treat ourselves. Believing we are worthy of being lit from within.

I learned from 2018 that I have to make sure my soul’s batteries are always charged sufficiently. We seem to glorify exhaustion in our culture. We even connect loving others with giving of ourselves to the point that we have nothing left within. I’ve been called selfish for saying that I needed to pause and restore myself before I could help others. Because I know if I try to serve others from a place of energy emptiness, that’s a recipe for bitterness, meltdown, exhaustion, and transferring my negativity to the very person that I was trying to help. If I find my batteries too low, I need to say “no” to anything extra until I am recharged.

This glow business seemed to feel just right as a goal for 2019. Until I saw a little girl strut across a room, showing off her sparkly gold boots. She was striding right through Quaker meeting (my version of church). She walked on her heels, toes in the air, with a swivel in her step. She was utterly full of sass and spirit.

This kid SPARKLED. With a joy that bordered on the edge of daring. So full of herself that she might cause a stir. Ruffle some feathers. Risky and bold and brilliant. She was so clear about her inner shine, it exuded from her.

To fully embrace the biggest version of myself, I need to sparkle. Lean into the brave, bold, badass version of living.

The glow and the sparkle. Like the yin and the yang. The calm and steady with the explosive joy. Next year, I wish for both.

Ready to build your vision for the new year? Contact me at dana@danamitra.net to get started.

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